Saturday, May 31, 2014

Europe Trip - Alternative way to leave Terezin

On my previous blog at Terezin, Europe Trip - Day 3 Terezin, Czech Republic I mentioned about how to get to Terezin. This blog will be about how to get OUT of Terezin if you ever miss the last bus of returning to Prague and what happened to my journey during my time at Terezin.

After visiting the Terezin Concentration Camp due to the camp was about to close, my friend and I decided to walk back to the Terezin Ghetta Muzeum and take the last bus back to Prague. We started to rush ourselves because the time was getting closer by the second!

We finally figured that we couldn't make it to the main bus stop, we saw 5 people were standing at the bus stop that was nearer to the concentration camp, so we decided to head over there to ask whether the bus was going to be there. The people there wasn't sure because the day we were there was Easter Day and was thinking the bus company may close early and it did.

Stuck in Terezin? Take the train back to Prague!

Since we the bus company closed early, we decided to go back to Terezin ghetto and find the hotel. The hotel was closed too. Then we headed to the police station and it was closed as well.

Tip: Don't go to a place during a holiday festival. If you do decide to go make sure to ask the bus driver when is the last bus and the information centre.

Luckily there was an convenient store and we were lucky enough to find ourselves a driver at the town after 2 hours in the deserted town.

The driver took us to the nearest train station Bohušovice nad Ohří and we could take the train from there back to Prague.

Tip: Taxis do not come very often after business hours at Terezin. Prepare a taxi number to call. If you do find a taxi it will be located right outside the Police Station. If you do not have a phone with you, there is a phone booth next to the Police Station as well. There will be a toll free number to call the taxi and an emergency number.

It is just a 5 minutes ride to the train station by car. It will take about 30 mins to walk to the station from Terezin.

We were very lucky that we found the taxi and the staff at the station gave us a group discount for 7 tickets back to Prague. It was 455CZK total, 65CZK per person. It was a good deal.

Tip: Ask the driver how much the trip to the train station first before getting on it. For me, it was 150CZK for the 5 minutes for 4 people.

The train takes about an hour to get back to Prague. You can get off at the main train station Hlavni Nadrazi. After that you can walk, take the tram or bus back to your hotel or roam around the city! 

Next blog... Day 4 Prague Czech Republic! Off to Brno!!!

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