Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cooking - Carbonara

Simple, easy and fast cooking for lunch or dinner! It is so easy that it can be done in 20 minutes! Fulfilling and hearty food! Read along on how to cook it!


  • Spaghetti
  • Bacon 6 - 8 sliced into small bits
  • Shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1 whole egg with egg white
  • 2 eggs with only the egg yoke
  • chopped 2 cloves garlic
  • chopped onion (with or without is fine)

Let's start cooking!

The sauce
  • Add the eggs into a large bowl
  • Add a generous amount of shredded parmesan cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Mix all ingredients together

The pasta and bacon
  • Boil the spaghetti (6 mins - 8 mins) and taste if it is al dente
  • Set medium head on a non stick pan.
  • Add oil (you can add any type of oil you like)
  • Add the bacon and cook til it is cooked and not brown
  • Add onions and cook it til it is clear
  • Add garlic and turn the heat to low heat.
  • Use tongs and transfer the spaghetti to the cooked bacon pan and mix well
  • Transfer the mixed spaghetti onto the sauce bowl and mix well
  • If the sauce starts to dry, add the boiled pasta water onto the bowl and mix

Delicious flavours! You can eat it just the way it is or you can add some basil to the mix to make it look pretty!

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