Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cooking - Crabmeat Soba

I have been craving a lot of cold foods lately because the weather has been insane! It's so hot in Hong Kong. The moment you walk out the apartment you can feel the heat wave just came through your body and it's a on going sweating for the day. YAY! For deodorant! FYI, not many Hong Kong locals wear deodorants. Nasty!

Last weekend my friends and I went to Kurotaki to get some cold soba. I am a fan of soba, specially during summer. It's healthy, light and I like the taste of buckwheat. Even though the soba itself is light but my friends and I didn't eat light. We had seafood hot pot with soba, Pork Katsu with soba etc.

Tender Pork Katsu & Buckweat Soba is a perfect match!

Green Tea Soba - Sashimi- Seafood hot pot - Soft Crab Sushi
Yes, it was feast! After having soba, I thought I'd go purchase a pack of soba myself and cook it at home! Just to let you know, mine isn't the real version on how to make it. I simply just alternate the ingredients that I found and already have inside my fridge. The only thing I purchased was the soba noodles. All ingredients are less than $15USD!

Let's start cooking!

Crab Meat Soba


  • Cucumber (Use as much or less as you want)
  • Carrot (Use as much or less as you want)
  • 1 egg
  • Crab meat (Use as much as you want & use any protein you want)
  • Buckwheat Soba (Use as much as you want)

Cooking time

  • Slice all the ingredients into small thing stripes
  • Place each ingredient separately in a bowl or a plate
  • Boil hot water
  • Add the soba. Usually takes 2-3 minutes to cook.
    Taste the soba and see if you like the texture of the soba noodle. 
  •  Remove the soba and hot water using a vegetable basin.
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Prepare a bowl of ice with water. Add the soba in.
    If you don't have ice, you can skip this.
  • Drain any excess water from the soba and add it on a plate.
  • Add all the ingredients on top of the soba

The Sauce! 

FYI, this is my alternative way to make mine because I don't have all the ingredients to make the sauce at home. 
  • 3-4 tsp Japanese soy sauce
  • 1-2 tsp sugar
  • mix well 
*** Taste the sauce and if you like it more sweet add sugar. If you like it more salty add a bit more soy sauce. 

Finally, before eating the soba place your soba inside the fridge to cool down. I placed mine for about 15-30mins before serving. Afterwards, simply add the sauce (Little by little) inside your soba and mix them well so you won't find it too salty for the dish. 

The dish may not look so grand but it's my alternative way and it still achieve the flavour I want. 

YUMMY! - Photo from Instagram @kitty_cheung


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